Are you looking for an Expert Pest Control Services BD You Can Trust?
কল, হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ, মেসেঞ্জার এর জন্য নিচের বাটন এ ক্লিক করুন
আমরাই কেন?
আমরা আপনার বাসা কিংবা অফিসকে পোকামাকড় মুক্ত করবো ইনশাআল্লাহ ।
সঠিক উপায়ে ও সবচেয়ে কম সময়ে পোকামাকড় দুর করার সর্বোচ্চ সেবার মান নিশ্চিত করে থাকি। বুকিং দিয়ে দিন পোকামাকড় দমনের জন্য পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস, আপনার শিডিউল অনুযায়ী। নিশ্চিন্ত থাকুন এবং আস্থা রাখুন পেষ্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিসে।
- ১০০% সন্তুষ্টির নিশ্চয়তা
- দক্ষ সেবা কর্মী
- জরুরী সেবা
- মানসম্মত পণ্য
- সঠিক ব্যবহার প্রক্রিয়া
- ঝামেলামুক্ত ও নিরাপদ সার্ভিস
- ২৪/৭ গ্রাহক সেবা
Best Pest Control Services in Dhaka – Pest Control in Bangladesh
Pest Control Dhaka – Pest Control Services BD
Local Experts in Pest Control Services in Dhaka
Pest Control Services in Bangladesh – পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিসেস বিডি

Every customer is treated like family. Welcome to our family.
Pest Control Services BD has provided fast, reliable pest control services in domestic and commercial situations for years.
: বাংলাদেশ সরকার অনুমোদিত :
আপনি কি তেলাপোকা, উইপোকা, ছারপোকা, ইঁদুর, মশা, মাছি, পিঁপড়া, সাপ ও অন্যান্য পোকামাকড়ের আক্রমণ এর জ্বালায় ভুগছেন?
আমরা আমাদের বাসাবাড়ি, অফিস, ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান বা আমার কর্মস্থলে বিভিন্ন ইঁদুর, তেলাপোকা, আরশোলা, সাপ এবং বিভিন্ন কীট-পতঙ্গের উপদ্রব দেখতে পাই। এগুলো মাঝে মাঝে আমাদের অনেক ক্ষতির কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়ায়। সেজন্য, এগুলো নির্মূল করা খুবই জরুরী। ১৯৯৫ সাল হতে সুনামের সাথে আমরা পোকামাকড় দমনের সেবা দিয়ে আসছি।
পোকামাকড় দমন অথবা নিয়ন্ত্রণ এর জন্য আমরা উন্নতমানের ও পরিবেশবান্ধব কেমিক্যাল ব্যবহার করে থাকি। আমাদের অভিজ্ঞ টেকনিশিয়ানরা এই ব্যাপারে যথেষ্ট দক্ষ এবং আপনার সমস্যার সমাধান দিবে দক্ষতার সাথে।
বিভিন্ন পোকামাকড়ের সমাধান আমরা গ্যারান্টি সহকারে দিয়ে থাকি। বাড়ি, অফিস, প্রতিষ্ঠান, হাসপাতাল, গার্মেন্টস, আবাসিক হোটেল, ফার্মাসিউটিকাল, গুদাম ইত্যাদি জায়গায় গ্যারান্টি সহকারে সেবা প্রদান করে থাকি।
বর্তমানে বাংলাদেশে কীট-পতঙ্গ নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিয়ে বেশ কিছু প্রতিষ্ঠান সেবা দিচ্ছে তার মধ্যে পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিসেস বিডি (Pest Control Services BD) খুব সুনামের সাথে কাজ করে চলেছে যা বলাই বাহুল্য। আমাদের অনেকেরই এই ধরণের সার্ভিস প্রয়োজন হয় তবে একবার হলেও “পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিসেস বিডি” সেবাটি নেয়া উচিত ।
The Best Clients Are Our Clients - Real Happy Customers, Real Stories
Pest Control Services received an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 246 reviews.
Pest Control Services BD Will S.T.O.P. the Pest Problems Today!
We provide residential, commercial, and industrial pest control services, and this is the name you
can trust and deal with any pest problems within your area.
The pest control service expert will inspect your residential or commercial property (including hard-to-reach areas) to determine the type of pest and the extent of the infestation. This will help him determine the most efficient and effective treatment.
Our advanced pest control solutions will eliminate every last insect from your premises in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Depending on the pest type and level of infestation, we provide same-day emergency services.
Monitoring is an essential part of local pest control services. Upon request, we will provide up to two additional sessions (1 significant visit and two follow-up sessions) within three months of the initial treatment.
Proofing & Prevention
Pest control services BD experts will ensure that all entry points are blocked as a final step to prevent further invasions. Additionally, he will provide you with a written report after the service is completed and valuable tips for future prevention.
Our Pest Control Services

Cockroach Control

Termite Control

Bed Bugs Control

Rodent Control

Mosquito Control

Flies Control

Ant Control

Lizard Control

Snake Control

Fogging Service

Virus Disinfection Service
পোকামাকড়ের সমস্যা? আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন

About Pest Control Services in Dhaka
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Are you looking for cleaning and pest control services near you? We are a trusted & experienced pest control and cleaning services provider in Bangladesh.
We are pest control service providers in Bangladesh if you are looking best pest control companies in Bangladesh, Pest Control Services BD.
Pest Control Services BD. If you are a homeowner and need professional pest control service in Dhaka city. We are offering complimentary pest control services.
Protecting Bangladesh homes and businesses from irritating pests since 1995!
Ensure Quality Service. 24/7 Customer Service.
Pest Control Dhaka | Pest Control BD
Are you seeking a pest control specialist who can provide professional pest solutions? We can help you find the best pest control companies in your area. Bangladesh has many pest control companies as well.
Here are the full details about the pest control companies in Bangladesh and the pest control companies in Dhaka at Pest Control Services BD. Commercial pest control service providers with verified resources are partnered with us.
Seach pest control near me and you will find pest control companies near me. Pest control bd is the right choice. Keep your home, office, or workplace free from all types of pests.
A pest control company in Bangladesh with proven resources has been enlisted by Pest Control Services BD. This company has experience in pest control. As a genuine provider of pest control services in Bangladesh, hire us for pest control services. Pest control bd, pest control Dhaka service providers are available here.
We provide the best pest control service in Dhaka. Just take a look at our reviews! Whenever you experience a problem inside your home which requires attention, we will gladly provide inside services at no additional charge.
We will evaluate, identify, offer a solution and properly treat pests or horticulture problems within your budget. We offer pest control services in Bangladesh at a reasonable price.
Easy and convenient: Our pest control Dhaka Bangladesh is simple and easy to order. Using our service, you will be able to hire experts without any hassle. You will be visited by our pest control Bangladesh or cleaning expert from our Service Provider.
Cost-Effective: Professional pest cleaners can be hired for the same price as any other local cleaner. Pest Control Dhaka Bangladesh.
Professionals with a high level of training: The professionals we work with employ skilled and discreet pest controllers. The background of each candidate is thoroughly examined.
Pest Control Services BD has provided quality pest control in Dhaka to meet the needs of pest control companies in Bangladesh. Through the years, Pest Control Services BD has developed pest control technology suitable for this country. Call Pest Control Services BD. Pest Control in Bangladesh.
Government Approved Licenced Pest Control Service Provider in Bangladesh

Why Pest Control Services in Bangladesh is Important
The country of Bangladesh is known for its diversity. The same concept applies to pests as well. There is a perception here that pests cause little damage. There are countless diseases and health problems caused by uncontrolled pests every year.
Pests also lead to crop loss and industrial material destruction. The economic damage caused by these can be more severe. The damage from pests is not severe until they cause a larger storm than previously expected.
Preventative medicine is a better option than curative treatment. We can control them as much as we can, although the resources we have to do so are limited. It is also possible to reduce the damage caused by pests with better management. All sectors can benefit from the end result.
There are many variations in Bangladesh. The same concept applies to pests as well. There is a perception here that pests cause little damage. Pests causing uncontrolled health problems and diseases are unimaginable every year.
Furthermore, pests cause crops and industrial materials to be destroyed. The economic damage caused by these can be more severe. It is not until pest-related problems result in a storm far more devastating than anticipated that they become severe. Call house pest control service bd.
Preventative medicine is a better option than curative treatment. We can control them as much as possible, although the resources we have to do so are limited. It is also possible to reduce the damage caused by pests with better management. All sectors can benefit from the result.

Why We Are Best Pest Control Services in Bangladesh
Pest control is the process of removing any insects or wildlife from a home or work environment.Human being has to face difficulties because of pests or insects. With mechanical devices, a natural compound, or using chemicals, pest control can be done by professional pest control experts. We are best pest control company in dhaka.
The pests are different in the home, office, or industrial environment, cultivation land, or garden. The main pests are cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, rats, mice, rodents, mosquitoes, flies, snakes, birds, and various other insects.
Seasonal variations also vary for insects. When spring or summer comes, we will find uncountable flies in the residential or commercial areas. In autumn, rodent infestation increases.
Different season has a different situation for bed bugs. When winter and rainy season comes, bed bugs activities increase. There are several examples of pest increase in seasonal conditions. Insects also change the route in a different season.
The bd pest control treatment is also different for the pest control situation. Using chemicals and traps also varies depending on the location and activities of the pests. Hire pest control companies to do your job.
If you are looking for office pest control services near me. Office pest control. It is simple and easy to order bd pest control service dhaka from us. We offer easy and hassle-free ways for you to hire bd pest control experts.

Prevent Pest Infestations
The word “pests” brings to mind different pictures for different people. Some think of bugs or insects, whereas others think of squirrels, raccoons, and rats (in some places, even deer are considered pests). How does pest control work?
An insect, rat, or animal considered a “pest” is one that either attack a person’s property, damages it, or increases the chances of a disease spreading to them. Similarly, pest control is the process or process of eliminating pests from a particular place. House pest control service.
Pest management is the process of managing or controlling insect species that adversely impact the activities of humans. Problems caused by insects are either caused by insects or by people. Office pest control. Mechanical devices and natural compounds or chemicals are used by pest specialists to control pests.
There are different situations for bed bugs at different times of the year. During the monsoon and winter, bed bugs become more active. As an example of insect growth during seasonal conditions, there are several examples. During different seasons, insects change their routes as well.
Likewise, pest control treatment methods differ based on the pest control situation. A pest’s location and activity can affect how chemicals and traps are used. Office pest control.
Search for office pest control services near me to find best pest control company in dhaka. Our professional service providers will come to your doorstep within a few hours to resolve your pest-related issues.
Do you have a very specific pest question?
One of the expert pest technicians at Pest Control Services BD will provide you with an answer ASAP.

We can remove all pests from all corners of your apartment in a few days. Based on the architecture of the unit, different measurements will be taken.

If you facing pest problems in your hotel room we are here to help you to remove all insects from all the corners from the most stubborn pest attacks. Depending on different measurements we will take action against pests.

The place that has the most significant impact on people’s lives. Our special task force for hospital areas is assigned to these areas keeping that in mind.

Other than hospitals, our service may also be required by other health care facilities. For the sake of healthcare professionals and patients, we will gladly provide that information.

School, college, universities, and all other educational institutions accept our plans. There are special chemicals used, keeping the children in mind.

It is challenging to keep a job or a business going during this challenging time, so we are highly concerned for the office areas. Pest Control for Office or Pest Control in Office.

An explosion can happen in a factory if raw materials, other corrosives, and pesticides are mixed. It is important to note that we manage these sites carefully.

Health authorities should have a top priority in an area where food is prepared and consumed. Clean your food property from pests today by leaving it in our hands.
The easiest way to get a service
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Pick your convenient date and time to avail the service. Pick the service provider based on their rating.
Place Your Order & Relax
Review and place the order. Now just sit back and relax. We’ll assign the expert service provider’s schedule for you.

Why Us for Professional Pest Control Services BD?
Pest Control Services BD, an expert in creating a pest-free environment. Providing you with quality and professional pest control services has extended its skills into providing restless homes.
World Health Organization-approved and marked as safe chemicals, our products are considered safe, harmless, and mild. As a result, we work hard to inspire our customers. Teamwork is essential, too! With a team of excellent employees, we believe in the power of glamorous teamwork.
Are you looking for Best Pest Control Companies BD? As a local pest control company in Bangladesh, we are the Best Pest Control Company in Bangladesh.
We provide an end-to-end solution and preventive measures in pest control for offices or various industries, including agriculture, food, hotel, hospital, construction, cinema houses, etc. We are one of the top pest control companies in Bangladesh.
Pest Control in Dhaka always tries to protect your home and properties from harmful insects. Office pest control. Pest control service bd.
At some point or the other, every one of us has thought, why waste money on professional pest control bd services when we could do it ourselves. Many of us have also tried it and realized that it’s not as easy as it seems for pest control companies.
For those of you who are yet to learn this lesson the hard way, we’ll try and save you from it. Here are some excellent reasons why you should hire professional pest control in bd service. Pest Control in Bangladesh. Call pest control in BD.
We are trained
Pest control bd technicians are given extensive training in properly handling pesticides and equipment. Unlike us amateurs, we know exactly what must be done and how it is to be done.
We can reach where you can’t
Most pests tend to attack those parts of the house that are not easily accessible to us, or are left unattended. Professional pest exterminators know which area to look into and how to reach them.
We know how to differentiate
To the untrained, it is very easy to mistake one pest for the other. Pest control technicians, on the other hand, know how to tell the difference between the various species of pests and plan a course of treatment accordingly.
We have the knowledge
Pesticides are often strong chemicals that must be used in the proper proportions and handled with care. Professional pest control services dhaka exterminators are adept at understanding how much pesticide is needed to treat an infected area.
We possess better products
Pest control service in Dhaka city today we make use of environment-friendly products that are used exclusively by our technicians. These products that are used far better for the environment around your house than locally available pesticides.
We give more than just treatment
Pest control not only exterminate the pest and rodents damaging your house, but also implement preventive measures to avoid future attacks. Pest control extermination only gives temporary relief, which may not last for long anyway. Pest control services dhaka.
We are careful
Sloppy attempts at extermination pests may agitate them to cause faster and further damage. This may lead to the damaged property as well as some serious health issues. Professional pest control technicians work keeping in mind your health and well-being. Pest Control in Dhaka.
We have the efficiency
Foiled pest control extermination often leads to more damage than relief, in terms of health and overall cost. Pest control service Dhaka offer package deals that are easy on the pocket, time-saving and effective at keeping those pests at bay. Pest Control in Bangladesh.
We offer guaranteed
The best part? pest control companies offer service guarantees. In case you are not satisfied with the results or we were unsuccessful in exterminating the pests, you have a chance of getting return services from us. Pest Control Service in Bangladesh.

We use green products that won’t harm your family or pets.
Pest Control Company in Bangladesh
Pest Control Service BD is the result of hard work, knowledge acquired, and innovative thinking of a consortium of agricultural technocrats under the direction of Mr. Mohammad Masudul Islam Sajal, the Founder and Managing Director of Pest Control Services BD.
Having foreseen the importance of service sector businesses and their potential in India during the late 1990s, proactive management established this group. The original ideology of this group was to provide only pest control services in India. As a result of the existing gap in the Indian service sector, the company later offered facility management services under one roof.
The success of the Pest Control Service Provider of Companies is driven by its team of professionals with technical proficiency and unwavering fortitude. From small business premises to corporate residences, we can accommodate a variety of client needs. Search for pest control Sylhet.
Pest Control in Bangladesh
The pest problem will be identified by a professional technician based on their experience. They will inspect your property to determine the extent and cause of your pest problem quickly.
Pest control professionals have the training and certification to use all the most effective and efficient methods of pest control available under the control of pesticide regulations. Office pest control. This is if such treatment is necessary.
Pest control professionals can determine the most effective action for eliminating your pest problem.
By using these techniques, your employees, your family, and your pets will not be exposed to damage, contamination, or exposure.
Pest control will be detailed in an explanation of how to prevent pests from reoccurring on your property. Office pest control. Pest Control in Bangladesh.
BD Pest Control Services
The most reputable bd pest control service provider in Bangladesh is Best BD Pest Control. Since we started providing bd pest control services, we have served residential, industrial, and commercial customers. With many satisfied clients in Dhaka, we hold pride in knowing that we are truly one of the leading companies in the industry.
We place a high priority on our clients’ satisfaction. We will immediately make you aware of the difference as soon as we pick up the phone. Each of our customers is provided with a customized solution with great care. No side effects or harm is caused by the use of non-toxic components. Call BD Pest Control Services.
Best BD Pest Control is a high-quality and professional group consisting of a team of experts, a quality assurance program, and universal documentation of findings and results, which helps to ensure that our service meets our high-quality standards.
The BD pest control is the best pest control service in Bangladesh if you are looking for a guaranteed pest control service. Pest infestations are treated by us in a professional, prompt, and effective manner. We offer effective solutions to protect the environment. Our bd pest control services eliminate pests and ensure that they don’t return.
Residential Pest Control, Commercial Pest Control. Trusted Pest Control Services in Dhaka. Call Us for Free Inspection. Hassle Free BD Pest Control. Expert Pest Control Services
We always keep our BD pest control technicians informed about pest solutions. Over the years, BD pest control experts have resolved pest infestations from the root cause. BD pest control experts have the training, knowledge, and tools necessary to approach problems appropriately.
BD Pest Control offers a mechanical, chemical, and organic pest control system for your home, office, or industry. Before advising any remedies, our exterminators inspect your location. As we identify pest groups and populations first, we have always successfully closed the deal. Pest control services in Dhaka are ranked as the best by our 100% satisfied clients. Today, we are bringing 1000+ clusters of smiles to the industrial and residential sectors.
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Need Pests Gone Fast? Effective & Affordable BD Pest Control Services In Dhaka, Bangladesh. Providing Affordable and Best BD Pest Control Service in Dhaka with Quality Professional. Effective BD Pest Control Services for Termite, Bedbugs, Cockroach, Mosquito at Low Cost. Residential & commercial bd pest control services that are customized to meet your needs. Call Us for Free Inspection. Guaranteed & Hassle Free BD Pest Control. 100% Safe Solution.
Call Pest Control Services BD – উইপোকা, তেলাপোকা, ছারপোকা দমন, পোকামাকড় দমন করতে আজই কল করুন। বাসা, অফিস কিংবা ফ্যাক্টরিতে পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস নিন পোকা-মাকড় নিয়ন্ত্রনের জন্য। বাসা-অফিসে উইপোকার উপদ্রব? বাসা-অফিসে তেলাপোকার উপদ্রব? বাসা-অফিসে ছারপোকার উপদ্রব? বাসা-অফিসে ইঁদুরের উপদ্রব? বাসা-অফিসে পিঁপড়ার উপদ্রব? বাসা-অফিসে মশার উপদ্রব? সরকার অনুমোদিত পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল, পোকামাকড়ের উপদ্রব রোধ করতে পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস কল করুন।
কেমন লাগবে যদি ঘরে পোকামাকড়ের যন্ত্রণার কারণে আপনার সুখের সংসারটাই হুমকির মুখে পড়ে যায়? আপনার অফিস, বাসা কিংবা ফ্যাক্টরিতে সকল ধরণের ক্ষতিকর পোকা-মাকড়ের থেকে সু-রক্ষার জন্য। বাংলাদেশ সরকার অনুমোদিত Pest Control – উইপোকা, ছারপোকা, তেলাপোকা, মশা, পিপড়া ইত্যাদি দমন। সঠিক উপায়ে ও সবচেয়ে কম সময়ে পোকামাকড় দমনের জন্য পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস কে কল করুন
We are ready to serve you

100% Service Guarantee
Goverment Certified & Licensed
Free Inspections & Quotes
25 Years of Experience
Professional Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you have further questions about pest control services, see our FAQs (Questions and Answers) section.
What kind of customers and properties do you work with?
Our services are suitable for homes, offices, garments, textiles, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, pharmaceuticals, warehouses, etc.
What Areas do you cover?
Currently, we work in Dhaka, Gazipur, Savar, Narayangonj, Chattogram. Pest Control Services on request in Khulna, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet, and All over Bangladesh.
What are your working hours?
We need to offer treatments 24/7, including bank holidays, as we understand that situations can arise at any time. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What is needed to book an appointment?
We need information about your premises, the type of pest and the length of time that the infestation has existed, whether or not you have tried to resolve it on your own, and where the infestation is located on the property. In addition, we need to know in advance how parking will be organized, what payment option you select, and your credit or debit card information (if you choose to pay by card).
How many exterminators do you send on an address?
Do the exterminators you send have any sort of identification?
How long does a visit take?
Is there a do-it-yourself solution?
Do you offer long term services?
Is it possible to schedule for the same day?
Do you provide pest treatments on weekends?
Pest Control Services in Dhaka City
Pest Control Services in Chittagong
Pest Control Services in Chittagong– Khulshi Residential Area, Double Mooring, Bandar, Kotwali, Pahartali, Halishahar, Panchlaish, Bakalia, 4 No. Chandgaon Ward, Chattogram.